Alligator Snapping Turtle.Alligator snapping turtle - Wikipedia
Looking for: Does south carolina have alligator snapping turtles Click here to ENTER - Does south carolina have alligator snapping turtles Finding and understanding the exact laws about turtles can be a bit difficult. So I decided to make this article that explains in plain English everything you have to know about the laws in South Carolina about turtles. Is it what percentage of the south african population is white to own turtles in South Carolina? No, you can legally own a turtle in South Carolina, it all depends on the species. There are certain endangered species that are protected by the law that are illegal to own, but most of the common ones are does south carolina have alligator snapping turtles endangered and you can own them as pets. Is it illegal to sell turtles in South Carolina? You can legally sell turtles in South Carolina only if you have a license or a permit. If you want to transport more than 10 Yellow Belly turtles or Comm...